URB natural 100% Organic no N.P.K
URB is an eco-friendly, broad spectrum, stimulative, poly-microbial
Increase Root Mass, Aid Vigour, Boost Yields and "Grow Higher" with URB Natural
Microbes play a pivotal role in all aspects plant health and at all stages of plant life. When used in conjunction with your existing nutrient regime, URB Natural floods your root zone with beneficial microbial life. Expect to see a larger and healthier root mass than you've ever seen before, along with an improved resistance to disease and larger blooms come harvest time. This tried and tested formula contains no GMO's or PGR's to promote increased plant vitality and has taken the indoor growing world by storm, being used in over 40 countries and 80 university worldwide, improving all aspects of plant growth for growers the world over.
- URB floods your root zone with beneficial bacterium, aiding nutrient uptake and disease resistance
- Creates stronger, more robust plants with bigger flowers and bigger yields come harvest time
- Can be used in all stages of plant development, from clones or seeds to plants in late stages of flower
- Contains 5 cultivated strains of Bacillus Bacteria and Trichoderma, suspended in high quality humic acid
- Boost yields without adding to base NPK levels
- Contains no PGR's or GMO's unlike many other boosters
- Helps reduce overall nutrient use by up to 35%, saving you time and money
- Eco-friendly and actually improves soil structure over time
- Can also be used as a foliar feed
- Formulated for indoor and outdoor use
How URB Natural Works
With 5 strains of Bacteria and 1 strain of Fungi, URB Natural aids plant development in all stages of a plant's growth and bloom cycle. For seedlings, young plants and rooted clones, URB colonises the root zone, aiding nutrient absorption past levels typically found when leaving a plant to acquire nutrition for itself. This allows the young, tender plants to establish quicker, with a much more impressive rhizosphere, while being protected against pathogens (such as Pythium) by the cultivated strains of Bacteria and fungi combined. Once out of the seedling stage, your plants using URB develop much quicker than normal, cutting down veg times massively.
When the flowering cycle begins, URB has made its mark and allows the plant to use its impressive and protected root system to full effect, allowing the plant to draw up a greater concentration of bloom nutrient. This leads to using LESS nutrient overall, typically the amount of base nutrient required in soil is reduced by 15-25% and even more so in hydroponic systems and media, where the reduction can be as much as 35%! URB also has the ability when used in soil to actively repair it using the plethora of Bacteria and Trichoderma listed below.
Getting Behind the Bacteria in URB
URB Natural is an 100% eco-friendly, broad spectrum, stimulative, poly-microbial agent. The microbes might have been made by natural, but they are then cultivated by URB Sciences. Inside each bottle are six strains bacterial microbes including Trichoderma Harzianum, suspended in an 12% humate liquid, allowing for maximum absorption potential. The humate derivatives are mixtures of humic, ulmic and fulvic acids. They are products of organic matter transformation by the soil microorganisms. Additionally, humic acid derivatives have several known benefits, such as increasing rapid seed germination, improving trace element nutrition through chelation, and improving moisture conditions. Below is a list of the active Bacteria inside each bottle of URB Natural, especially interesting for those who love to cultivate and increase their micro herd.
Bacillus Subtilis
Bacillus subtilis or B. sub, is a key beneficial plant bacterium. B. subtilis plays a role in replenishing soil nutrients through both the carbon cycle and the nitrogen cycle. To aid the carbon cycle, B. subtilis degrades thatch, pectin, cellulose and other organic materials. B. subtilis forms biofilms which are dense populations of organisms. These biofilms provide the plants with preventive colonization, sometimes called competitive inhibition. This preventative colonization, essentially, prohibits other microorganisms from forming colonies around the plant roots, such as Pythium or other chronic root disease.
Bacillus Licheniformis
Bacillus Licheniformis (strain SB3086) is a spore-forming soil organism, that contributes to nutrient cycling and is currently being researched further on its effects as a microbial fungicide. It is a gram-positive, mesophilic bacterium and can exist in a dormant spore form to resist harsh environments, or in a vegetative state when conditions are good. It has a high capacity of secretion of the alkaline serine protease, making B. licheniformis one of the most important bacteria in industrial enzyme production.
Bacillus Megaterium
Another key beneficial plant bacterium is Bacillus Megaterium. In addition to some of the benefits conferred by B. Subtilis, B. Megaterium is known to be a phosphate solubilising bacterium or PSB. PSBs have several important benefits including:
- Making phosphorus more available to the plant
- Reducing the need for additional traditional fertilizer applications
- Increases uptake of water
- Increases disease and drought resistance
- Reduce Environmental problems downstream
- Promotes sustainable growing practices long term
Bacillus Subtilis (sub-species Spiziizeni)
Documented to have plant growth promoting rhizobacterium and shown to synthesize anti-fungal peptides. This ability has led to the use of B. Spiziizeni in bio-control and increasing crop yields, although it has not been shown whether this is because it enhances plant growth, or inhibits disease growth. B. Spiziizeni are also capable at growing at varying pH values, temperatures, and salt concentrations where few other organisms can survive.
Bacillus Pumilus
Bacillus Pumilus participates in a wide range of symbiotic relationships. B. Pumilus can function as a plant growth promoting rhizobacteria within the rhizosphere. Additionally, B. Pumilus is thought to function as a plant growth promoting endophyte. Plant inoculation with many PGPR and endophytes results in increased chlorophyll content and photosynthesis activity in plant cells and significantly increases the maximum photo chemical yield and total chlorophyll content in leaves.
Trichoderma Harzianum
Trichoderma Harzianum (strain T-22 or T22) is one of the most effective strains of root colonising Fungi around, covering most plant species and soil types. This fungus is used as a bio-control agent during crop production, and for the improvement of the rooting and acclimatisation phases in plants. Effects of Trichoderma Harzianum during the rooting phase has been shown to result in greater shoot lengths of roots, as well as increased numbers of leaves, roots, and stem diameters in later life. T-22 promotes plant growth both directly and indirectly, enhancing root growth, root development, and root function by means of hormonal and biochemical signals.
How to Use URB
Shake the bottle well for 15 seconds and apply as below: Before using URB be sure to drop your base nutrient levels by 15-25% when growing in soil and 25-35% when growing in hydroponic medias and systems. The URB additive enables your plants to use your nutrient more efficiently, so be cautious with its use from the beginning.
Soil-less and Soil: Mix 30 ml/gal of water or nutrients for initial inoculant and 15 ml/gal and incorporated into normal watering / nutrient instructions continuously throughout growing cycle. For final flushing use 10ml/gal.
Hydroponics: Mix 5-10 ml/gal each week throughout growing.
Foliage Application: Mix 10 ml/ URB Natural to 1 gal and spray plant during the first 5-7 weeks of vegetative growth only. DO NOT SPRAY DURING FLOWER.