Elite 91 ROOTS
Professional Plant Additive
Elite 91 ROOTS is one of the most highly effective and dynamic root & plant growth enhancing products available on the market today! This unique, proprietary liquid formulation contains the highest quality ingredients, boasting high concentrations of multiple, diverse and viable beneficial bacteria, fungi, vitamins, plant derived minerals, protein hydrolysates, polysaccharides, organic chelates & activators as well as natural boosting health and growth hormones all in one bottle for optimal root development and increased plant vigour. Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) are a group of diverse free-living bacteria that colonize and construct a protective biofilm around the rhizosphere (root zone) and significantly benefit the root growth and vigour in plants. The species of rhizobacteria (PGPR) in our formulation are specifically selected for their proven, effective and successful modes of action, which include but are not limited to:
Plant growth promotion by plant growth promoting rhizobacteria is a well-known phenomenon and this growth enhancement is due to certain traits of rhizobacteria. There are a number of mechanisms used by PGPR for enhancing plant growth and development in diverse environmental conditions.
PGPR exert a direct affect on plant growth by supplying biologically fixed nitrogen, increasing the phosphorous uptake by means of solubilization of inorganic phosphates, Potassium solubilization, as well as the break down for efficient utilization and uptake of other nutrient elements, e.g., organic compounds and micronutrients.
Phosphate solubilization: Phosphorus is the most important key element in the nutrition of plants, next to nitrogen (N). It plays an important role in virtually all major metabolic processes in plants, including photosynthesis, energy transfer, signal transduction, macromolecular biosynthesis and respiration. It is abundantly available in soils in both organic and inorganic forms. Plants are unable to utilize phosphate because 95-99% phosphate present is in the insoluble, immobilized, and precipitated form. Plants absorb phosphate only in two soluble forms, the monobasic (H2PO4) and the diabasic (HPO4 2-) ions. Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria present in the soil employ different strategies to make use of unavailable forms of phosphorus and in turn also help in making phosphorus available for plants to absorb. The main phosphate solubilization mechanisms employed by PGPR include: (1) release of complexing or mineral dissolving compounds e.g. organic acid anions, protons, hydroxyl ions, CO2, (2) liberation of extracellular enzymes (biochemical phosphate mineralization) and (3) the release of phosphate during substrate degradation (biological phosphate mineralization).
Increases the size, density and overall effective surface area of the plant’s root system; resulting in healthy dominant crop growth; as well as, greater water and nutrient uptake for optimal yielding capabilities.
Induces natural production of plant growth hormones such as auxins, cytokinin's, gibberellins, ethylene and abscisic acid that regulate plant growth and development for maximizing genetic plant growth potential. Phytohormones can affect cell proliferation in the root architecture by overproduction of lateral roots and root hairs with a subsequent increase of nutrient and water uptake. Ethylene is a key phytohormone that has a wide range of biological activities and can affect plant growth and development in a large number of different ways including promoting root initiation, inhibiting root elongation, promoting fruit ripening, promoting lower wilting, stimulating seed germination, promoting leaf abscission, activating the synthesis of other plant hormones.
Indole Acetic Acid (IAA): Among plant growth regulators, indole acetic acid (IAA) is the most common natural auxin found in plants and its positive effect on root growth. Up to 80% of rhizobacteria can synthesize indole acetic acid (IAA) colonized the seed or root surfaces is proposed to act in conjunction with endogenous IAA in plant to stimulate cell proliferation and enhance the host’s uptake of minerals and nutrients from the soil. Indole acetic acid affects plant cell division, extension, and differentiation; stimulates seed and tuber germination; increases the rate of xylem and root development; controls processes of vegetative growth; initiates lateral and adventitious root formation; mediates responses to light, gravity and florescence; affects photosynthesis, pigment formation, biosynthesis of various metabolites, and resistance to stressful conditions.
PGPR significantly increases yields in various high value crops, enhances rooting of hardwood and semi-hardwood cuttings, increased seed germination and enhanced emergence of seedlings and cuttings under various conditions.
Increases tolerance to harsh environmental conditions, salinity and delays the onset of drought stress. This delay manifests itself through enhanced root growth, maintenance of stomatal conductance, water retention, net photosynthesis, changes in free amino acid concentrations and a delay in drought induced stress changes in leaf/flower gene expression(s).
PGPR exert an indirect effect on plant growth by serving as the major source of synthesizing broad spectrum peptide antibiotics/secondary metabolites and cell wall degrading enzymes that are active as a biocontrol and biopesticide preventative/suppression against root rot, powdery mildew and other harmful plant diseases caused by various bacterial, fungal, viral and nematode pathogens.
Stimulation of host defence mechanisms; also known as Induced Systemic Resistance. ISR provide substantial protection to plants by boosting the immune system and controlling disease. Induced resistance may be defined as a physiological state of enhanced defensive capacity elicited in response to specific environmental stimuli and consequently the plant’s innate defences are potentiated against subsequent biotic challenges. Biopriming plants with some plant growth promoting rhizobacteria can also provide systemic resistance against a broad spectrum of plant pathogens. Diseases of fungal, bacterial, and viral origin and in some instances even damage caused by insects and nematodes can be reduced after application of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria. Induced systemic resistance involves jasmonate and ethylene signalling within the plant and these hormones stimulate the host plant’s defence responses against a variety of plant pathogens.
Siderophore production: Iron is an essential micronutrient for almost all organisms in the biosphere. Despite the fact that iron is the fourth most abundant element on earth, in aerobic soils, iron is not readily assimilated by either bacteria or plants because ferric ion or Fe+3, which is the predominant form in nature, is only sparingly soluble so that the amount of iron available for assimilation by living organisms is extremely low. Microorganisms have evolved specialized mechanisms for the assimilation of iron, including the production of low molecular weight iron-chelating compounds known as siderophores, which transport this element into their cells. Siderophores are divided into three main families depending on the characteristic functional group, i.e. hydroxamates, catecholates and carboxylates. At present more than 500 different types of siderophores are known, of which 270 have been structurally characterized.
Siderophores have been implicated for both direct and indirect enhancement of plant growth by plant growth promoting rhizobacteria. The direct benefits of bacterial siderophores on the growth of plants have been demonstrated by using radiolabelled ferric siderophores as a sole source of iron showed that plants are able to take up the labelled iron by a large number of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and enhance chlorophyll levels compared to un inoculated plants.
Exo polysaccharides production or biofilm formation: Certain bacteria synthesize a wide spectrum of multifunctional polysaccharides including intracellular polysaccharides, structural polysaccharides, and extracellular polysaccharides. Production of exo polysaccharides is generally important in biofilm formation; root colonization can affect the interaction of microbes with roots appendages. Effective colonization of plant roots by EPS-producing microbes helps to hold the free phosphorous from the insoluble one in soils and circulating essential nutrient to the plant for proper growth and development and protecting it from the attack of foreign pathogens. Other innumerable functions performed by EPS producing microbes constitute shielding from desiccation, protection against stress, attachment to surfaces plant invasion, and plant defence response in plant–microbe interactions. Plant growth promoting rhizobacterial producing exo polysaccharides are highly important in promoting plant growth due to work as an active signal molecule during beneficial interactions, and provide defence response during infection process. Some plant growth promoting rhizobacterial producing exo polysaccharides can also bind cations, including Na+ suggesting a role in mitigation of salinity stress by reducing the content of Na+ available for plant uptake.
Add Elite 91 ROOTS with every feeding from seedling/cloning growth stage up until the 7th or 8th week of the crops fruiting/flowering cycle.
Soil, Coco, Hydroponics: Add 0.5ml – 2 ml per gallon of nutrient solution.
Compost tea: Add 2 – 10ml per gallon of nutrient solution.
Seedlings/Cuttings: Pre-soak your preferred choice of growing medium in a solution using 1ml – 2ml per gallon of water to protect, stimulate and boost vitality. Continue to use the same dosage rate to feed your new starts throughout the rooting phase.
Foliar spray: 2ml – 10ml per gal. Spray the entire plant with the light off. Once up to three times a week. Spraying once or twice a week will suffice for correcting nutrient deficiencies as well as adding an extra boost to plant health, growth & vitality.
Elite 91 ROOTS is suitable with all soil, soilless and hydroponic based growing mediums and can be used in conjunction with any premium quality nutrient and/or fertilizer.
NOTE: Do Not use hydrogen peroxide or any chemical sterilizing agents when using Elite 91 ROOTS.
E91 ROOTS Application & Treatment Rates Based On Bottle Size:
A Little Goes A Long Way!
250 ML Bottle @ ~
0.5 ML per gallon will treat 1,892 Litres (500 gallons US) of nutrient solution.
1 ML per gallon will treat 946 Litres (250 gallons US) of nutrient solution.
500 ML Bottle @ ~
0.5 ML per gallon will treat 3,785 Litres (1,000 gallons US) of nutrient solution.
1 ML per gallon will treat 1,892 Litres (500 gallons US) of nutrient solution.
1000 ML Bottle @ ~
0.5 ML per gallon will treat 7,570 Litres (2,000 gallons US) of nutrient solution.
1 ML per gallon will treat 3,785 Litres (1,000 gallons US) of nutrient solution.
• 286 times more concentrated than liquid Orca (Plant Success) per ml.
• 18.9 times more concentrated than Great White (Plant Success) per gram.
• 5.2 times more concentrated than Root Dip-C/Vitamin Plus per ml.
• 1.5 times more concentrated than Advanced Nutrients' 3 products combined (Voodoo Juice, Liquid Tarantula, Liquid Piranha) all in one bottle per ml versus Elite 91 ROOTS.
• 204.5 times more concentrated than OG Microbial Tea per gram.
• Over 16 times more concentration than Veg+Bloom Plus Life.